Productos azucarados

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Productos azucarados
Otros productos azucarados
Descripción : Australian Honey & Himalayan Honey
Productos azucarados
Miel, gelatina real, todos los productos de la colmena
Descripción : vendons miel pollen,gelée royale
Productos azucarados
Otros productos azucarados
Descripción : Le nouveau sucre d'agave cristallisé est unique sur le marché. De faible indice glycémique 22 sont apport calorique est de seulement 106 kcal pour 100 g. Son pouvoir sucrant est identique à celui du sucre. Il contient 90,5% d'oligofructose,4%d'inuline, 4 grammes de fibres diététiques.

Prix du kg DDP europe 3,80 €
Conditionné en fût de 1000 kg sur 1 palette
1 container 20 T
Productos azucarados
Miel, gelatina real, todos los productos de la colmena
Descripción : We sell pure and refined organic honey and wax.
Productos azucarados
Icea Instituto Mediterraneo Di Certificazione
Compotas, mermeladas, coulis
Descripción : Organic Jams and Marmalades in Jars 200 g
Productos azucarados
Miel, gelatina real, todos los productos de la colmena
Descripción : vente we sell organic honey from greece
Productos azucarados
Miel, gelatina real, todos los productos de la colmena
Descripción : Ecological Bulgarian Honey has registered more than 1000 bee hives for production of a high quality organic product.
All apiaries are located in appropriate areas (north-eastern Bulgaria) for organic bee keeping consisting of wild vegetation, forested areas and a large variety of natural growing herbs.
Samples of the produced honey as well as the wax are taken on regular basis every season and tested at the appropriate accredited laboratories
Sorts of organic honey we offer:
1. Acacia honey: The color of acacia honey is transparent. In total, acacia honey contains 435 substances
It is monoflora, which means that it has been generally collected from one type of plant – in this case from acacia
2. Linden(Lime): Linden honey has a specific aroma that distinguishes it from other species.
It is rich in different nutrients and increases the immunity
3. Honeydew: It is obtained mainly from excretions of plant sucking insects on plants or from secretions of living parts of plants
Research has show that honey dew contains a large number of free amino acids
4. Wildflower honey varieties comes from miscellaneous flower sources
Its color can vary from very light to dark and flavor range from light and fruity to tangy and rich, depending on the mix from the different seasonal wildflowers.
Productos azucarados
Puré de frutas frescas
Descripción : Deli products made in France.
They all taste home-made and look mouth-watering because they are elaborated with love in small batches. You can choose between creative and delicious
* fruit soups
* flower, fruit, chocolate, milk or toffee jams
* syrups
* gingerbread
or have them all !
The products can be made with organic ingredients on request.
Productos azucarados
Mermeladas y gelatinas
Descripción : Deli products made in France.
They all taste home-made and look mouth-watering because they are elaborated with love in small batches. You can choose between creative and delicious
* fruit soups
* flower, fruit, chocolate, milk or toffee jams
* syrups
* gingerbread
or have them all !
The products can be made with organic ingredients on request.
Productos azucarados
Compotas, mermeladas, coulis
Descripción : Deli products made in France.
They all taste home-made and look mouth-watering because they are elaborated with love in small batches. You can choose between creative and delicious
* fruit soups
* flower, fruit, chocolate, milk or toffee jams
* syrups
* gingerbread
or have them all !
The products can be made with organic ingredients on request.
Productos azucarados
Miel, gelatina real, todos los productos de la colmena
Descripción : Natural organic honey bouquet into barrels in 25-30 kg.I have a 3000 kg.
Productos azucarados
Certification And Testing Centre
Otros productos azucarados
Descripción : Organic bee bread from EU
Productos azucarados
Certification And Testing Centre
Miel, gelatina real, todos los productos de la colmena
Descripción : Organic honey from EU, wildflower
Productos azucarados
Otros productos azucarados
Descripción : We are a prominent Organic Honey Manufacturer and Supplier located in Punjab. We bring forth the finest quality Organic Honey that is made with top grade ingredients. The Organic Honey, available with us, is completely natural and has high nutritional value. The Organic Honey is in extensive demand across the length and breadth of the country.
Productos azucarados
Miel, gelatina real, todos los productos de la colmena
Descripción : Our honey is organically made in the north regions of Uganda. It is packed in 100 liter drums, free from chemicals.
It is of a thick dark consistency, rich in nutrients
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